F43: Roll Forming Basics - PAID SESSION

  • Room: S403b
Monday, September 13, 2021: 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM


Roll Forming Basics
Roll forming systems are like automobiles. The general public calls everything a car but in reality, there are hundreds of different automobiles with hundreds of options. The same is with roll forming systems, be it very simple or extremely complex. Understanding a few categories of roll form systems will allow you to narrow your search on the system you need, but also allow you to understand the other categories for future opportunities.
Brian L. Rodgers – Formtek, Inc.

Modern Lubricants for Roll Form Processes
Review the latest technologies in lubricants and coolants available for metal roll forming processes. This presentation covers the main categories of lubricants and the most recent advances within each one. Also, a seven step selection process for finding the best lubricant will be discussed along with best practices in coolant maintenance.
David R. Kinnard - Tower Metalworking Fluids


Brian Rodgers
Formtek Inc.
David Kinnard
Tower Metalworking Fluids

  • Basic

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